2 months ago 19

Early and absentee vote: How many Americans have already voted in the presidential election?

Voters have already gone out and cast their ballots in droves through early voting or mail-in options ahead of 5 November, with 64,550,126 advance ballots returned.

By the time Election Day arrives on Tuesday, millions of voters will have already made their choices, either through early in-person voting or by mailing in their ballots.

Every state allows some way to cast a ballot before Election Day, and Alabama kicked things off in 2024 on 11 September as it began distributing mail-in ballots.

As of 31 October, voters nationwide have returned a total of 64,550,126 advance ballots in the 2024 general election.

The state of Georgia reported a record turnout on the first day of early voting for the US presidential election on 15 October, when early voting started.

Almost two-thirds of voters cast an early ballot in 2020, a pandemic-driven spike in America’s decades-long shift to favour voting in advance of Election Day.

Nearly all states offer some version of in-person voting, though the rules and dates vary considerably. Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia kicked off early in-person voting on 20 September.

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