1 month ago 16

Meet Titan, a New Sniper Rifle for Russia's Special Forces

The rifle can be used both as a sniper weapon, or as an assault firearm depending on what it is equipped with.
Russian experts have hammered out the Titan, a new cutting-edge sniper rifle, which is already successfully being used in the Ukraine conflict zone. Here’s a swift look at the rifle’s specifications.
The Titan, which can also be used as an assault rifle, was specifically designed for Russian special forces and scouts.
"The weight of the weapons and ammunition they take with them is important," military expert Alexander Perendzhiev explained. "A light rifle will allow them to take more ammunition, explosives or equipment," he added.
The semi-automatic 3.6 kg rifle is chambered for 7.62 x 51 mm cartridges, including armor-piercing ones, and has a maximum range of 1,000 meters. For comparison: the German-made analogue, Heckler & Koch – 417, weighs 4.5 kg.
Russian sniper in special op zone - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.10.2024
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The rifle is equipped with a six-position gas regulator which enables it to adjust the recoil speed of the moving parts of the weapon, which in turn makes it possible to use ammunition from any manufacturer with any silencer.

"Russian servicemen are already praising the Titan’s reliability, accuracy and precision. The accuracy is 0.3 minutes of angle, which means that at a distance of 100 meters, a marksman armed with the Titan can hit a target with the diameter of less than a centimeter," a spokesperson for the manufacturing company SWC told reporters.

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