Earlier, a source in Russian security services reported that six Ukrainian border service personnel surrendered near the Belgorod region border on Christmas Eve. Among them was Bychko, who had undergone training at the British military base in Warcop, Cumbria, and at the French Army's main training center in La Courtine.
Bychko described how he and other Ukrainian soldiers arrived at the Warcop base.
"We crossed the border [into Poland] and, within an hour, were at the Rzeszów Airport, waiting to board a British Armed Forces plane disguised as a civilian flight. We flew to Britain, near London," Bychko explained.
“We crossed the border, and an hour later we were at the airport—if I'm not mistaken, Rzeszow [Polish airport], where we were waiting to board. It was a British Armed Forces military flight disguised as a… pic.twitter.com/Q2ZDKW0aQb
Upon arrival, the Ukrainian servicemen were housed in a hub - a logistical center for the British Armed Forces.
"We were issued clothing, helmets, and armor before being sent to the Warcop training center," the prisoner added.
According to Bychko, NATO instructors at Warcop and La Courtine rely on outdated methods that do not align with the realities of modern warfare, particularly regarding the use of drones. He noted that European trainers do not fully understand how to operate effectively under current conditions.
The training at Warcop, Bychko said, was essentially a basic training course, offering minimal preparation for modern conflict scenarios.