1 month ago 6

Tourism Commissioner to consult widely on hotspot sustainability

The EU's first Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism addressed the vexed issue of overcrowding at visitor hotspots and announced he is consulting widely with a view to a forthcoming sustainable tourism strategy, at Euronews' Destination Europe Summit in Brussels on Thursday.

The EU's first Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism addressed the vexed issue of overcrowding at visitor hotspots and announced he is consulting widely with a view to a forthcoming sustainable tourism strategy, at Euronews' Destination Europe Summit in Brussels on Thursday.

“We have seen residents protesting against overcrowding, against cost of housing and environmental strain in some key destinations,” Apóstolos Tzitzikóstas told Euronews in an interview during the summit, which is arranged in tandem with the European Travel Commission.

"I take this very seriously,” he said, referring chiefly to anti-tourist movements in Spain, adding:  “I will engage with all the affected local authorities and with civil society to understand what and how the EU should act, share best practices, collect essential data to better manage flows.”

Tourism must be developed responsibly, attracting visitors who value authentic experiences, supporting local businesses and encouraging more off-season travel to "off the beaten track” locations, the Greek commissioner said.

“That's why we would be engaging through extensive consultations with stakeholders this year. I want to hear from those on the ground, from all of you, so we can set the right priorities for our sustainable tourism strategy. And funding will indeed be the key,” he said adding that the task would require “collaboration across sectors, borders and different government levels.” 

Governor of the touristic region of Central Macedonia for 12 years and former President of the European Committee of the Regions, Tzitzikóstas is the first Commissioner with a portfolio dedicated to tourism.

“Tourism is a topic that is really close to my heart and one that I am committed on supporting with all my heart and all my strength," Tzitzikóstas told an on-site and online audience, adding that his goal was to "showcase Europe as a safe, sustainable and outstanding travel destination, attracting both international and domestic travellers.”  

He said he would also rely on the support of the tourism sector for key transport initiatives that "because indeed transport and tourism are linked", citing seamless single ticketing for cross-border rail travel, and easier cross-border rental car services or a stronger EU passenger rights regulation.

"Early in my mandate, I will present all of these regulations in order to make the European markets a real single market,” he said. 

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