2 months ago 22

Russia: NATO violated another signed agreement

On October 22, the German ambassador to Russia was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A strong protest was lodged in response to the creation, at Berlin’s initiative, of a regional NATO maritime command headquarters at the German Navy base in Rostock, East Germany.

The ambassador was informed that this step by the German ruling groups represents the continuation of a creeping revision of the outcomes of #WWII and is part of the efforts to militarize that country.

This action constitutes gross violation of the spirit and letter of the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (the 'Two Plus Four Agreement') which was signed on September 12, 1990. According to Article 5, paragraph 3 of that Treaty, Germany is under obligation not to allow the stationing or deployment of foreign troops on the territory of the former GDR. Berlin was requested to immediately provide exhaustive clarifications.

This move brings to mind tragic parallels with Germany remilitarizing Rhineland in 1936 in violation of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. The Russian Side pointed out that not only European politicians, but their overseers in Washington, too, seem to be affected by historical amnesia and forgot about the catastrophe that devastated the peoples of Europe, including Germany, and was caused by Paris and London’s tacit consent, which was driven by blind hatred towards the Soviet Union, to the Third Reich’s actions.

Now, in the modern-day historical context, former Western Allies have not only sanctioned Berlin’s outright violation of a fundamental international legal document, but acted as accomplices in this violation.

Washington, Brussels, and Berlin must be fully aware of the fact that expanding NATO’s military infrastructure into the territory of the former GDR will have utterly negative consequences and will not go unanswered.