3 months ago 25

Putin invites Vucic to Moscow

BELGRADE - Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited Serbian President Alaksandar Vucic to visit Moscow on May 9, 2025, the 80th anniversary of the victory in WWII, Tanjug learns.

"I invite you to take part in ceremonies to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, to be held in Moscow on May 9, 2025. That most significant date symbolises the end of the most terrible war in the history of mankind. Let us pay deep respect to the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers and bow to the many victims of Nazism. I am convinced that preserving the memory of the great victory will bolster the shared determination to oppose any manifestations of neo-Nazism and step up constructive cooperation with a view to securing peace and security on the planet. I sincerely look forward to seeing you in Moscow," Putin wrote in the invitation.

Vucic and Putin last spoke on October 20 this year by phone and last met on October 17 last year at a Beijing forum of the Chinese Belt and Road initiative.

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