2 months ago 17

Pristina's supreme court rejects Self-Determination appeal, orders certification of Srpska lista

PRISTINA - Pristina's so-called supreme court has rejected an appeal by the Self-Determination Movement against an election panel's decision to approve the certification of Srpska lista for the February 9 elections in Kosovo-Metohija.

In its decision, the court ordered the central election commission to certify an application by Srpska lista and its candidates for registration to run in the elections.

The court's spokesperson said the Self-Determination appeal had been rejected at a December 30 session of the court.

On December 23, the central election commission failed to certify Srpska lista as a contender in the elections after two commission members who are Self-Determination representatives voted against the move.

Srpska lista then filed an appeal with the election complaints panel, which upheld it on December 25, ordering the commission to certify the Serb party and the list of its candidates for the elections.

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